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Doo Group Broadens Global Footprint with Indonesian Broker Acquisition

Doo Group Broadens Global Footprint with Indonesian Broker Acquisition

Doo Group has announced its acquisition of PT Prima Tangguharta Futures, a Jakarta-based broker specialising in online derivatives trading. This move represents a significant step in Doo Group's regional expansion strategy and reinforces its growing presence in Southeast Asia.

Notizie 2024-11-21 17:46
Google Warns of New Deepfake Scams and Crypto Fraud

Google Warns of New Deepfake Scams and Crypto Fraud

Google exposes deepfake scams, crypto fraud, and app cloning trends. Learn how to spot these threats and safeguard your data with expert tips and advice.

Notizie 2024-11-21 17:14
Why Is UK Inflation Rising Again Despite Recent Lows?

Why Is UK Inflation Rising Again Despite Recent Lows?

October inflation rises to 2.3%, driven by energy costs. Renters face 8% annual hikes, while house price inflation climbs. Interest rates stay elevated.

Notizie 2024-11-21 16:04
US SEC Accuses Indian businessman Gautam Adani

US SEC Accuses Indian businessman Gautam Adani

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Gautam Adani and Sagar Adani, officials of Adani Green Energy Ltd., and Cyril Cabanes, an executive of Azure Power Global Ltd., allegedly being involved in a large-scale bribery conspiracy.

Notizie 2024-11-21 15:59
Webull Partners with Coinbase to Offer Crypto Futures

Webull Partners with Coinbase to Offer Crypto Futures

Webull partners with Coinbase Derivatives to offer crypto futures, providing US investors access to Bitcoin and Ethereum contracts with lower entry barriers.

Notizie 2024-11-21 15:30
Find Regulated Brokers from A to Z on WikiFX

Find Regulated Brokers from A to Z on WikiFX

The foreign exchange market is an ocean of authorized and unauthorized brokers. You can choose any broker who meets your needs. However, finding legitimate ones is an actual challenge. In this article, we'll tell you about the 26 regulated brokers, starting from A to Z.

Notizie 2024-11-21 14:59
eToro Expands Nationwide Access with New York Launch

eToro Expands Nationwide Access with New York Launch

eToro launches in New York, offering fractional stock, ETF, and options trading nationwide. Discover innovative features like copy trading and free education.

Notizie 2024-11-21 14:48
Interactive Brokers Launches Tax-Friendly PEA Accounts in France

Interactive Brokers Launches Tax-Friendly PEA Accounts in France

Interactive Brokers introduces tax-advantaged PEA accounts, offering French clients low-cost access to European stocks and ETFs for diversified savings.

Notizie 2024-11-21 14:15

PrimeXBT obtains FSCA License to operate in South Africa

A popular trading platform, PrimeXBT has recently received a license from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) to officially start trading in South Africa.

Notizie 2024-11-20 20:09
Partnership Alert: TLC 2.0 Becomes UP Nawabs'Associate Sponsor

Partnership Alert: TLC 2.0 Becomes UP Nawabs'Associate Sponsor

The Abu Dhabi T10 League recently purchased a new franchise UP Nawabs, which is supported by startup investor Lavish Choudhary, Who is also the founder of TLC 2.0 and Botbro. The eighth edition of the Abu Dhabi T10 League will begin on November 21 and end on December 2, 2024.

Notizie 2024-11-20 19:00
RM570,000 Lost in a Gold Trading Scam in Malaysia

RM570,000 Lost in a Gold Trading Scam in Malaysia

In a distressing case of financial deception, a retired female teacher in Malaysia lost RM570,000 of her personal savings and pension to a gold trading investment scheme.

Notizie 2024-11-20 17:46
Many Social Media 'Investment Gurus' Are Scammers Preying on Malaysian Traders

Many Social Media 'Investment Gurus' Are Scammers Preying on Malaysian Traders

Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for scammers posing as investment gurus, exploiting the growing interest in forex and cryptocurrency trading among Malaysians. Fraudulent "financial experts" often create the illusion of legitimacy by offering enticing stock analyses and promises of high returns.

Notizie 2024-11-20 17:06
Arumpro Capital Ltd Faces Regulatory Setbacks as CySEC Withdraws CIF Licence

Arumpro Capital Ltd Faces Regulatory Setbacks as CySEC Withdraws CIF Licence

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) has officially withdrawn the Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) licence of Arumpro Capital Ltd. The decision was finalised during a CySEC meeting on 11 November 2024, marking another chapter in the firm's ongoing regulatory challenges.

Notizie 2024-11-20 17:04
Trump Media in Talks to Acquire Crypto Firm Bakkt

Trump Media in Talks to Acquire Crypto Firm Bakkt

Trump Media eyes a $150M all-stock deal to acquire Bakkt, aiming to expand its crypto presence. Bakkt's stocks surge 160% amid acquisition buzz.

Notizie 2024-11-20 16:57
PayPal Expands PYUSD Use for Seamless Cross-Border Transfers

PayPal Expands PYUSD Use for Seamless Cross-Border Transfers

PayPal expands PYUSD to Xoom, enabling fast, cost-effective cross-border transfers via Cebuana Lhuillier in the Philippines and Yellow Card in Africa, driving global financial inclusion.

Notizie 2024-11-20 16:43
Former Director Sentenced for Share Disclosure Breach

Former Director Sentenced for Share Disclosure Breach

Former Copper Strike director convicted for undisclosed shares. Sentenced to 6 months in jail, fined $2,000, and banned from managing companies for 5 years.

Notizie 2024-11-20 15:40
Webull Expands Trading Services to Japan via TradingView

Webull Expands Trading Services to Japan via TradingView

Webull launches in Japan, offering low-cost trading for U.S. and Japanese securities via TradingView. Start trading with investments as low as $5.

Notizie 2024-11-20 15:24
Never Invest With Novice Brokers! Know Why?

Never Invest With Novice Brokers! Know Why?

Why it's advisable to avoid investing with inexperienced brokers. Why do people favor experienced brokers over newbies when making investments? Do you know the legitimate reasons why it is always an experienced broker over newcomers? In this article, let's find out the why.

Notizie 2024-11-20 14:55
Robinhood to Acquire TradePMR in $300M Deal to Expand RIA Services

Robinhood to Acquire TradePMR in $300M Deal to Expand RIA Services

Robinhood to acquire TradePMR in a $300M deal, combining cutting-edge tech with RIA services to redefine wealth management for a new generation of investors.

Notizie 2024-11-20 14:29
GCash, Government to Launch GBonds for Easy Investments

GCash, Government to Launch GBonds for Easy Investments

Discover GBonds, launching on GCash this December, to simplify investments for Filipinos. A step toward financial inclusion and accessible government bonds.

Notizie 2024-11-20 12:09

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