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Belcher Investments

New Zealand|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License| Suspicious Scope of Business| High potential risk


Rating Index

17c Corinthian Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632 NZ


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered Region
New Zealand
Operating Period
2-5 years
Company Name
Belcher Investments Markets Ltd
Customer Service Email Address
Company address
17c Corinthian Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632 NZ
Company Summary

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Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Not provided (Based on the address, it's in NZ)
Founded Year Not provided
Company Name Belcher Investments Markets Ltd
Regulation Lacks valid regulation
Minimum Deposit $250
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:100 on stocks, up to 1:200 on forex
Spreads Starts at 0.01 pips for stocks, 0.1 pips for forex
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, Belcher Direct, TradingView
Tradable Assets Equities, Bonds, Options, Futures, ETFs
Account Types Individual, Joint, Trust, Business
Demo Account Not mentioned
Islamic Account Not mentioned
Customer Support Email:
Payment Methods Bank wire transfer, Credit/Debit card, PayPal, Skrill, Neteller

Overview of Belcher Investments

Belcher Investments Markets Ltd is a financial brokerage firm that provides various investment opportunities across different market instruments. The company offers options in Equity, Income, Options, Futures, and Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for investors. However, it's important to note that Belcher Investments lacks valid regulation, which raises concerns about its legitimacy and safety as a broker. Potential clients should exercise caution when considering their services due to this absence of oversight.

Belcher Investments offers a range of account types, including Individual Accounts, Joint Accounts, Trust Accounts, and Business Accounts, tailored to meet the diverse financial objectives of individual and business clients. The company also provides leverage options of up to 1:100 on stocks and up to 1:200 on forex, allowing clients to control larger positions with relatively smaller investments. They have spreads starting at 0.01 pips for stocks and 0.1 pips for forex, as well as reasonable commissions. The minimum deposit to open an account with Belcher Investments is $250, and they offer multiple deposit and withdrawal methods.

The trading platforms offered by Belcher Investments include desktop, web, and mobile platforms, allowing clients to access the financial markets with flexibility and convenience. It's important to carefully consider the risks associated with an unregulated broker like Belcher Investments before making any investment decisions.


Pros and Cons

Belcher Investments presents a range of advantages, including a diverse selection of investment instruments, a low minimum deposit requirement, and spreads with minimal commissions. Additionally, they offer various account types, flexible deposit and withdrawal methods, and access to multiple trading platforms. However, it is important to note that the lack of valid regulation may raise safety concerns, high leverage can be risky, and commission fees may apply. Furthermore, customer support options are limited, and processing times for withdrawals may vary. Additionally, the main website is currently down, which may impact accessibility and user experience.

Pros Cons
  • Offers a variety of investment instruments
  • Lack of valid regulation raises safety concerns
  • Low minimum deposit requirement
  • High leverage can be risky
  • Low spreads and commissions
  • Commission fees may apply
  • Multiple account types for different needs
  • Limited customer support options
  • Various deposit and withdrawal methods available
  • Processing times for withdrawals may vary
  • Access to desktop, web, and mobile trading platforms
  • Lack of specific negative information
  • No fees for deposits or withdrawals
  • Main website is currently down

Is Belcher Investments Legit?

Belcher Investments lacks valid regulation, raising concerns about its legitimacy and safety as a broker. Caution is advised when considering their services due to this absence of oversight.


Market Instruments

Equity: Belcher Investments offers shares in a variety of public and private companies.

Income: Belcher Investments provides various bond options, including government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds.

Options: Belcher Investments offers call options, granting the right to buy an underlying asset at a specified price on or before a set date, and put options, providing the right to sell an underlying asset under similar conditions.

Futures: Belcher Investments offers stock index futures, allowing for the purchase or sale of specific stock indices at predetermined prices and dates. They also provide commodity futures, enabling the trading of specific quantities of commodities at agreed-upon prices and dates.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs): Belcher Investments offers ETFs, which are baskets of securities that trade like stocks and can track various indexes, such as stock, bond, and commodity indexes.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse Range of Equity and Investment Options Lack of Regulatory Oversight Raises Safety Concerns
Access to Various Income and Bond Investment Opportunities No information on specific market instruments provided
Availability of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Lack of transparency regarding pricing and liquidity

Account Types

Individual Accounts: For individual investors, there are several options. Individual Taxable Accounts allow individuals to invest in the stock market with the goal of profit. Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are tax-advantaged accounts designed for retirement savings. Individuals can also opt for Individual Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to save tax-efficiently for medical expenses.

Joint Accounts: Belcher Investments provides joint account options for those who want to invest together. Joint Taxable Accounts are ideal for couples or partners who wish to invest jointly in the stock market. Joint IRAs offer tax advantages for couples saving for retirement together. These options facilitate shared financial goals.

Trust Accounts: Trusts can be useful for various purposes. Custodial Accounts (UTMA/UTMA) are tailored for minors interested in stock market investments, allowing responsible adults to manage these investments on their behalf. Revocable Trusts are designed for individuals seeking to manage and protect their assets through a trust structure. Irrevocable Trusts offer an option for individuals who want to establish a trust that cannot be altered or revoked, providing a higher level of permanence.

Business Accounts: For businesses, Belcher Investments offers specialized accounts. Business Taxable Accounts are designed for businesses seeking to invest in the stock market to potentially grow their capital. Business Retirement Accounts provide tax advantages and a means for businesses to save for retirement collectively, ensuring a secure financial future for their employees and stakeholders. These account types are suited to meet the unique financial objectives of business entities.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse account options cater to various individual needs No specific negative information
Tax-advantaged accounts (IRAs and HSAs) for retirement and medical savings Limited information on account features
Specialized trust and business accounts for specific purposes


Belcher Investments offers leverage of up to 1:100 on stocks and up to 1:200 on forex. This means that for every $1,000 you deposit into your account, you can control up to $100,000 in stock positions or $200,000 in forex positions.


Spreads & Commissions

Spreads start at 0.01 pips for stocks and 0.1 pips for forex. Commissions start at $0.005 per share for stocks and $0.005 per lot for forex.

Minimum Deposit

The minimum deposit for a Belcher Investments account is $250. This is the minimum amount of money that you need to deposit into your account in order to start trading. Belcher Investments does not charge any fees for deposits or withdrawals.

Deposit & Withdraw

Belcher Investments accepts a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank wire transfer, credit/debit card, PayPal, Skrill, and Neteller. The minimum deposit is $250 and the minimum withdrawal is also $250. Processing times vary depending on the method, but typically range from 1-3 business days.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse deposit and withdrawal methods available Minimum withdrawal and deposit amounts may be high
Reasonable processing times for transactions Specific processing time details are not provided
Minimum deposit requirement is relatively low

Trading Platforms

Desktop Platforms: These platforms are software applications installed on a trader's computer, offering a comprehensive set of features. They include charting tools, technical indicators, and real-time news feeds. Notable examples are MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5.

Web Platforms: Accessible through web browsers, these platforms provide a similar feature set to desktop platforms but with the convenience of online accessibility. Examples offered by Belcher Investments are Belcher Direct and TradingView.

Mobile Platforms: Designed for traders on the go, these platforms can be downloaded and installed on smartphones and tablets.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Comprehensive desktop platforms with charting tools and technical indicators Limited customer support options
Web platforms offer online accessibility and similar features No popular trading platform available
Mobile platforms provide flexibility and accessibility

Customer Support

Belcher Investments offers customer support through their email address, which can be reached at Additionally, their physical company address is 17c Corinthian Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632 NZ.



In conclusion, Belcher Investments presents a range of market instruments, account types, leverage options, spreads, and trading platforms. However, it raises concerns regarding its legitimacy and safety due to the lack of valid regulation. While it offers flexibility in account types and leverage, potential clients should exercise caution when considering its services. The absence of regulatory oversight may pose risks in terms of investor protection and safety.


Q: Is Belcher Investments a legitimate broker?

A: Belcher Investments lacks valid regulation, which raises concerns about its legitimacy and safety as a broker. Caution is advised when considering their services due to this absence of oversight.

Q: What market instruments does Belcher Investments offer?

A: Belcher Investments offers a range of market instruments, including equities, income options (bonds), futures, options, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Q: What types of accounts are available at Belcher Investments?

A: Belcher Investments offers individual accounts, joint accounts, trust accounts, and business accounts, each catering to different financial objectives and needs.

Q: What leverage does Belcher Investments provide?

A: Belcher Investments offers leverage of up to 1:100 on stocks and up to 1:200 on forex, allowing traders to control larger positions with their investments.

Q: What are the minimum deposit and withdrawal requirements at Belcher Investments?

A: The minimum deposit for a Belcher Investments account is $250, and the minimum withdrawal is also $250. The company accepts various deposit and withdrawal methods, and processing times vary.

Q: What trading platforms are available at Belcher Investments?

A: Belcher Investments offers desktop platforms, web platforms, and mobile platforms, including popular options like MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, providing flexibility for traders.

Q: How can I contact Belcher Investments' customer support?

A: You can reach Belcher Investments' customer support through their email address at Their physical company address is 17c Corinthian Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632 NZ.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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